06 March 2007


OK, today we’re going to have a geography quiz. Go to this site to see how many of the 50 States in the U.S. of A. that you can name in 10 minutes. You have to type in the names, and spelling counts or misspelling doesn’t. I guess it all depends if you are a glass-half-empty or glass-half-full person. Myself, I just think the glass in too big.

Once the site loads, the time starts right away. So be ready…


I manage to get all 50, but I was stuck on 49 for a while. Feel free to let me know how badly you kicked my butt.


Anonymous said...

I only got 43!! I thought for sure I could crush this. I was humbled.


Anonymous said...

Hey Tony,

I got 49 in eight minutes. Couldn't spell Massachusetts under the gun so I ended up with 49.


-Tony said...

You couldn't spell Massachusetts in two minutes?

The one I was hung up on was Iowa (not the spelling, but remembering it). I knew I had the all the border states, so I knew it had to be in the middle, Then I started thinking of the Big Ten schools.

I blew about 30 seconds at the beginning because I didn't know it would start immediately, and I finally finished it with 1:43 left.

Anonymous said...

I did terrible. Only 42! I'm the biggest loser. I need to go back to 3rd grade spelling and geography. I couldn't spell Connecticut or Massachusetts, and forgot Wyoming, Wisconsin, Hawaii, Alaska, Rhode Island, and Kansas.