Truth be told, I haven’t really had much to write about recently or the time to do it. I really need to get my own place here; going out to eat every night really cuts into my quality time at the computer. Since I need to spend time keeping up with the news, Cardinal sports, Derby prep races, and surfing for porn, well it appears something has to give. Like it or not, you take a back seat to most if not all of the above. Well not you Mom, but everyone else does.
I went to a military hospital for 2 days this week. We were doing a little planning charrette for a new addition to the hospital. While we were walking through the existing hospital there were between 5 and 8 soldiers on gurneys who had just been “delivered” from ”down range”. I didn’t see anything garish or really horrible, but it definitely gives you a more personal perspective. A couple of us talked about it later on, and we each felt like we were intruding upon something. Perhaps some sacred. It was a very uncomfortable feeling. I didn’t want to be caught staring at someone and as a result didn’t really look at anyone. Maybe that was even more wrong. Many of the wounded soldiers on the gurneys were unconscious (or appeared so). They were probably either sedated or just didn’t want to see anyone else staring. The project we are working on will directly affect these guys, but in a small way, if it is ever built.
I happen to support this war, but this makes it a little more real to me. I’m sure it is not any more real or less horrible than any past “good” or “just” war. But it is more real to me, and I just got an extremely small taste of it.
To sit here and listen to Wolf Blitzer prattle on about the political outfall from the latest attack “down range”, and which candidate will make the most out of this or get us out of this war the quickest, all the while not mentioning what will happen when we are gone, really just chaps my ass. Never mind that he reported from the Pentagon while Bernard Shaw was under a desk with soiled shorts in Baghdad during the first war.
P.S. Imus is an ass and always has been, and Sharpton is a hypocritical ass and always has been. This is what those two idiots remind me of…
... and no I do not know which is which.
Well Said.
p.s. Have you checked out our blog?
Which sports car are you? (It's a test...)
No No No. You have it all wrong. I would recognize Joe Biden's (AKA - the dumbest man on earth) face anywhere.
Which sports car am I? Probably a slow one. But then that wouldn't be a sports car would it? How about the the little engine that could?
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