I’m still sort of leaning toward the house in Hattenheim, but this place definitely comes in a close second. Sorry Agnes. I should find out tomorrow if I can get the place in Hattenheim. If not, my decision is made. If it is offered to me…well…I might just have to go with Hattenheim. It would be the difference between a half hour commute and a 10 minute commute, but it might be worth it.
On a different note I picked up a couple of interesting items at the store this weekend. I bought a case of Paulaner Original Munchner Hell. It is a very good beer and comes in a sporty carrier.
But I didn’t know how sporty until I lifted up the side bars and look what happens…
It’s like magic I tell ya! Instead of looking like a complete klutz (and lush) lugging a case on my shoulder up the elevator, I can now gracefully stroll past the desk and up the stairs. Will wonders never cease?
Another great item I picked up was “Party Balls”. A jar of very small (ball shaped) sausages.
I just had to buy them when I saw them. And although I haven’t tried them yet, I’m sure they are great. They may even cause a spontaneous party to break out just by opening them. I think you'll have to agree, they do look somewhat “party-like” or at the very least, festive.
And what would Party Balls be without…
They have a Mini version; however, I thought I might impress the cute cashier by purchasing the Super size.
...it didn’t seem to work though…
Have you asked Frau Huber is she is kin to the Huber Winery people in beautiful Skylight, Indiana? If not, why not?
Are the bottles and case returnable?
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