Anyhoo ... it was a beautiful day! The first one since I've been here really. It's been raining or overcast almost every day. This is probably due to all of this global dampening. Someone call Al Gore dammit!
I went cruising on the autobahn to see what this Mini could do. I had it up to almost 150km/hr, or at least 90 mph, before there was a section of road with some construction forcing me to reduce my speed. That's OK, I don't think the little bugger had much left in him at that point anyway.
So I drove up past Eltville into Rudesheim. I knew it was further into wine country than Eltville was, but did not realize that it was home to the Schloss Johannesburg. This is the home of the Johannesburg Riesling style of wine. I went up the Schloss, and there were vineyards as far as the eye could see in 3 directions. I took some pictures, but I'm not sure that they capture the expanse of grape vines that I saw.
Short entry today, check out the pictures and the Flickr page for more.
Tony - Are you actually working a real job? I am beginning to think you picked up a copy of Travel Agent for Dummies and some way some how you are starting a business. Enough of the landscape. We need to see some of the people.
Hey Anonymous - Who do you want pictures of? People on the street? Old men playing Bocci at the Castle? The girls from one of the brothels? Tell me what you want. And if you expect me to comply, you must sign your comments...
A picture of the rental car girl with great ... "tracts of land" would have been nice - or maybe just a picture of the tracts of land. And, was the girl with eyes like saucers as cute as "the dish"? (who's name excapes me just now).
Hey Tony,
Throughout my formal schooling I was taught that the Allies pretty much leveled Germany back during the big one (you know, WW II). And yet, here you post picture after picture of huge buildings that are surely old enough that they could have been (should have been?) flattened back in '44. What gives? Is this yet another example of the desperate straights in which the American public education system finds itself? Or have the Germans busied themselves with constructing really old looking buildings for the last half a century. You can imagine my disappointment. Oh, and by the way, a picture of one of the girls at your local house of ill repute would be interesting. For purely educational purposes of course.
Actually, a German guy told me that the allies pretty much left this area alone because it was considered an arts center, or something like that. Then again Dresden was a community full of "intellectuals", and we all know what happened there. I think that was really more British retaliation than anything else. Although if you could get a city full of American "intellectuals", I may be able to sanction to some bombing.
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