In case I haven’t already lost you, the Fiat Panda is not a family car. Unless your family is small, ugly, and unconcerned about personal safety. Although it does have four doors, and has seat belts for four, I would predict that it comfortably fits approximately zero people. The color scheme was obviously picked out by someone who felt the ability to camouflage vomit was important. As uncomfortable as it was, it was all they had and it was cheap. I was disparaging when I called the Mini Cooper a pregnant skateboard, it was a limo compared to this thing. But the Panda did its job, got me to the apartment visits and various other places.
Went out on the Autobahn today and got the Panda up over 150 km/hr (~ 95 mph), but it was on a downhill. I felt like Col. Steve Austin trying to hold this thing together. It started shaking and shimmied a little bit. It felt like pieces might start flying off of it at anytime. Luckily this is not the Alps, and the grade switched to uphill. At this point the velocity diminished greatly.
Driving north on A-3, I spotted some sort of monument ahead at the Limburg exit. Great, a monument to stinky cheese! Maybe it would even smell a little bit at the monument. Maybe they have a gift shop! I think I might have sped up a bit in anticipation (and because it was a downhill slope). After exiting the Autobahn it was discovered that the ‘Monument’ was really just a sign for the Limburg Railport. Imagine my disenchantment.
As it turns out, Limburger cheese is not even from Limburg, Germany. The malodorous delicacy is from Belgium. So with a heavy heart, and an ugly car, I turned around and headed back towards Wiesbaden.
So, you were on A-3, which means you were going North or South.
The only word I can find that captures the full meaning of your car is "Cute."
I was heading North to Limburg and South from Limburg. Cute was not quite the word I used for it. When I was turning it in, a woman was there looking for a small car. I said, "I'm turning in the ugliest car in the world now". The guy at the desk said, "The orange one?", without even looking up.
Looks more like a monument to John Holmes than a train station. I guess architecture on the continent ain't much better than it is here in the states. Since a lot of the architects I know went to Europe to "study" (study being a euphemism for "get drunk and screw") I suppose I shouldn't be surprised.
Given the Germans reputation for being more mechanical than artistic I am disappointed. Now that I think of it, the train station looks like a mechanical monument to John Holmes. My world is back on an even keel. (Well, as even as it gets anyway.)
Wilhelm (or should I call you The Kaiser?),
That is not THE railport, it's a sign for it. And the railport is just some industrial complex.
The architecture around here is very nice though, and I wouldn't mind doing some "studying" myself while I'm here.
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