20 September 2009

Pizza Realized...

We finally cooked a pizza in my new backyard pizza oven, and I must say it turned out very well. Here's an action shot of a pie cooking...

Cooking Away

And here's a picture of the first finished pie...

The First Pie Out

I had bought some dough from a local pizzeria, but made the sauce myself. We didn't get too adventurous with the toppings, other than adding some New Mexican green chillis.

Pizza with Green Chillis

We had the thing blisteringly hot, which expanded the existing cracks and brought out some more.

Some Serious Crackage

I think many of these will close up when it cools, and I will try to repair the larger ones by adding some more clay mix into the seam.

I must say that I am quite pleased with the way they came out, and everyone there said that it was delicious.

Shoveling the First Pie In

At the end we did get a little more adventurous and added some kimchi to one of the pies. By then it was just Eric and I left, and we were both pretty full. But we went inside and watched some college football and still managed to eat half of the kimchi pie.

The Inevitable Kimchi Pizza

On it we had: sauce, kimchi, spicy Italian salami, basil, and cheese...

and it was wonderful!


Anonymous said...

The pizza looks delicious! Well, except for the one with kimchi. It looks like you met your match with the little girl with her hands on her hips. Is she telling you off?


PMG said...

kimchi pizza. Seriously?

-Tony said...

J,C,A- No she's not telling me off. She was one of the workers that I had promised the first pie to. I think she just wanted to make sure I didn't screw it up.

PMG- Oh, come on! You had to know this would happen. In fact, now that I think about it, didn't you recommend this very thing a while back?

Anonymous said...


If word of the kimchi pizza gets out, I think maybe you will have managed to offend two cultures simultaneously. So I would kind of keep that one on the Q.T. if you know what I mean.


Anonymous said...

That is, without question, the most hard-core pizza oven I've ever seen. The perfect venue for a kimchi pie.


Anonymous said...


I see that Angela Merkel won re-election on a platform of tax cuts, deregulation and smaller government. Is she the second coming of Maggie Thatcher? Think you can get her to have a little chat with Obama?
