19 April 2009

Where have I been?

Well, I’d like to tell you the story about how I have been busy visiting exotic lands and having fantastic experiences that most people could only dream of… but the truth is I’ve pretty much been a slacker when it comes to posting. I haven’t taken many pictures in the last couple of weeks, and just generally haven’t been “feeling it” when it comes to this thing.

Spring has sprung in the Rheingau, and the weather today (Sunday) was beautiful. I didn’t exactly get to enjoy it because I have been cleaning up after a party. A friend is heading back to the States on Friday, so we threw him a going away party at my place. The day started out bleak. I started the coals in the smoker early. Went back inside to trim the brisket…

Brisket with Rub Applied

and put the rub on the pork and turkey leg…

Pork Shoulder and Turkey Leg with Rub Applied

Meaty Smokey Things

That should be enough meat right?

It was raining when I put the meat in the smoker at about 9:30 AM.

Smokin' in the Rain

About 13:30 I pulled off the turkey and pork. I left the brisket I the smoker until about 16:30. The weather did not really clear up, but it did stop raining.

All of the meat was gone within an hour and a half, and I believe that a good time was had by everyone present. I counted a minimum of 30 adults there at one point. I had swept out the garage and we placed the tables inside there in case it started raining again. When the last people left, this is what I had to look forward to…


I went upstairs, poured myself a wee dram of whiskey, turned on the television, sat down on the couch, and was sound asleep within 10 minutes.

This morning I started cleaning up about 9:30, and finally finished around 16:00. The party was a lot of fun, and the cleaning was not too bad. I took my time, and stopped and made a simple cheese omelet for lunch. I put some leftover salsa on the omelet, buttered a roll, and poured myself a nice Belgian Kriek Lambic.

Cheese omelet with Salsa and Kriek

I just wish there was some leftover meat for me today instead of just brownies and rice crispy treats.

Friday after work I decide to go to the PX and buy a cooler and some ice for the party. After purchasing the cooler and placing it in the car, I get in to go to another store for ice; however, my car won’t start. No clicking, no grinding, no sputtering, nothing.

Earlier in the day I was trying to give someone at work the number to a taxi service I use, and I realized that I must have left my cell phone at home. I checked all my pockets and the bags that I had brought with me. I could see it, in my mind, on the table by the doorway right where I always leave it (so I won’t forget it in the morning). So now I can’t call anyone to give me a ride home. Not only do I not have a phone, but I don’t now anyone’s phone number. So I go to the front gate and have the guards call a taxi for me. Forty euros later and I’m home. I am tempted to stay there, but I need to get the cooler and some ice for tomorrow’s party.

On my way back out the door I notice that my cell phone is not on the table. You know, where I always leave it so I don’t forget it in the morning. So I wander around the house cussing to myself about where the phone could be. When I finally decide that it is not here, I get into my truck and head back to where I left the car. I don’t even try to jump start the car, because I need to leave one here anyway. I open the rear door and take the cooler out and throw it into the back of my truck. I am just going to make sure the car is locked up, and then will leave it there. As I am locking the front door I see something on the little shelf between the seats…

You guessed it… it was my cell phone. It was in the car all along. I probably should have been upset, but all I could do was laugh.

A couple of weeks ago I was in Mons, Belgium for work. It was nice for approximately one of the four days we were there.

Mons Belgium

Le Grand Place in Mons, Belgium

It was just gray and drizzling a lot of the time. The last day there, we ate a nice French restaurant. I had the chefs menu #1 but substituted sweetbreads for the fish. Sweetbreads are one of two glands from a veal calf. One is the thymus gland and the other one is the pancreas. They are both referred to as just sweetbreads, and are cooked exactly in the same manner. I think we may have had the pancreas, but I cannot be sure. What I can be sure of is that it was very good. They have a somewhat mild flavor but are very rich at the same time. I was expecting the texture to be creamy (like the brains), but it was not at all like that. They were not quite chewy or meaty, but did had a nice feel to them. I highly recommend them if you ever get the chance.


Anonymous said...

Andrew Zimmern is an ameteur compared to you. . .


-Tony said...

Steven, me thinks you exaggerate a bit.

Anonymous said...

Did your hide that meat in the bushes outside your apartment?

-Tony said...

Bushes or a snow pile. What's the difference?

-Tony said...

Go ahead Maxter, chug the peanuts...