16 November 2008

Porto …

Port Wine boats

Last weekend two of my friends and I flew down to Porto, Portugal for about 4 days. A good time was had by all. We did the touristy things: took the bus tours, a short river cruise, and went to about 4 different Port Wine cellars.

Port Wine cellar

The food there was good and very inexpensive. We tasted many wines, drank a little beer, ate some ridiculously fresh seafood, and had chorizo and cheese sandwiches for breakfast every morning. I brought home a 20 year old bottle of Port Wine from the duty Free shop at the airport.

Sardines at Market in Porto

i.e. it was a good trip by any standards.

I’m heading to Stuttgart this afternoon for a week and still need to finish laundry and pack, so this update is brief. However, I did post many more pictures on my flickr page, so go there and check them out.


1 comment:

Janie said...

Beautiful pictures Tony - you certainly are traveling to some interesting places