I'll tell you while you've been home, in my ass you've really been a pain.
Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait just a minute, who let my sister in here?
I will be flying out this afternoon, so I thought I'd provide some pictures of this morning's sunrise.
These pictures were taken from the balcony of my 14th floor beachfront suite.
The fishing boats are coming out of the Rudee Inlet.
The sun peeks out...
A little more...
How lucky have I been? Beachfront suite, ocean view, it has been very nice.
I can hardly believe how many times I have been able to see the sunrise since I've been here.
Let me see ... I must have seen ... oh, I'd have to say ... at least ...
... one.
I'd better start packing ... check out time is in about 10 minutes!
Love the pics . . .
Hope you have safe travels
stay in touch -
Glad you got to see the sun rise on the correct side of the ocean before returning to the place of my birth :-)
I hope that your travels were safe, and that you don't suffer too much jet lag....
I couldn't have said it better than the words in that song, but a pain you'll always be. We're used to it.
The pictures are great. Heard you arrived without harm. Glad to hear it. Can't wait to read about your first meal was upon return.
Take care!
I hope you made it home safely, I look forward to the continuing travels of Tony. Please remember to ask the German Brewmaster's if they use the Gibbon's or Stegmier forumla for brewing beir. Heck the label says so!
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