After I got back I went to the PX where I had bought the GPS to see if they could do anything. I went through two guys who just kept turning it off and on and removing and putting the card back in. I tried to explain to them that I had done that already (many times), but I guess they thought maybe I didn’t do it in the correct order. The third guy actually took the card, the one that was apparently run over by the car (luckily it was too small to show tire tracks), and put it into a computer. It turns out the card was bad.
“Well, what are we going to do about this?” I asked. I don’t think he bought the idea that this just happened out of thin air, and to set the record straight (or as straight as it can get in this sordid tale), I did not claim that it had. He sold me another 2GB SD card for $28, and copied the program onto it, and it worked fine. I think the program is an upgrade, and I still need to put my preferences into it. The most drastic change I’ve noticed is in the voice.
The old program had a woman’s voice, somewhat young sounding with a sweet British accent. The new voice sounds like an American woman who has been smoking for 50 years. So I went from Daphne saying “Beware” when my speed was too fast - to Homer Simpson’s sister-in-law Selma saying “Caution, watch your speed”.
Let me see if I can put this another way…
I think the magic is gone between us.
Don't like "kinder, gentler" Tony, your sisters' hopes and prayers notwithstanding. First of all, I have never known you to "blurt out ... rude comment(s)...". Biting comments, maybe; sardonic comments, certainly - but never rude. So, no more holding back. After all, how will "kinder, gentler" Tony every be responsible for an international incident that requires six months of diplomacy and maybe at tactical nuke strike to sort out?
I hesitate to tell you this, but you can get Daphne back - we changed my Dad's sweet Australian chick to an American old lady too... You just have to check your settings. Your remind me of a commercial that is playing here in the good ole USA where a guy professes his love to his GPS
Thanks. I thought I might be able to change it, but just have not gotten around to trying it yet. Maybe this weekend.
I wasn't aware that my "Presidential Orders" to create such a situation had already been made public. As one of the 00's, I do have a "License to Scorn"
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