I might be doing it for myself too, because subconsciously I know there is not a chance in hell that most (if any) of you are coming over here to visit. Oh sure, you’ll say that you want to, but something will come up. You’ll say, “Tony, we’re really sorry but the goldfish just died, and the kids are taking it extremely hard”, or “We thought he’d be over it by now, but little Johnny still wets his pants when we show him those pictures of you dressed as Santa”, or “I’d really like to come, but my wife just really hates you!”, or some other lame excuse.
That’s OK; I won’t bore you with the search details any longer.
Are my feelings hurt?
No. C’mon you all know I don’t have any of those.
The fact is that I’m getting more than a little tired of the search myself. And the good news is: I have found the place for me, and I hope to move in this weekend. Of course, I’m counting on everything going smoothly at the housing office tomorrow morning (which is no sure bet). But as long as it does, I’m in. I'm hoping to ply the ladies with some danishes. Maybe some prune danish will help grease the skids (or grease something). With any luck there soon will officially be a new Haven for the Okra. Of course until I get my internet hooked up, the updates might be a little infrequent…as if they're not already.
Here’s a picture taken from the front door…
Here’s one of the back yard…
Here’s one from up the hill looking back down…
In the distance to the left we have the town of Erbach…
To the right the town of Hattenheim …
Here we have a close up of the new crop of Riesling …
Pretty great huh? Well there’s no need to thank me, I didn’t do it for you.
On another note, I stopped at the grocery store today on my way home from work. I was doing my usual perusal of the meat counter. I bought some Knoblauch Fleischwurst (basically garlic ring bologna – hey 24 is on tonight!), and as I was working my way down to the cheese counter, I was stopped by something I saw in the salad case.
They had potato salad, kohl slaw, kraut, and … what is that?
It couldn’t be, could it?
I had to ask the Frau behind the counter, because I wanted to confirm it.
“Ist es blutwurst?”
“Ja, bitte?”
“Oh hell ja!”
Yes loyal frieds of the Haven, it was the very thing I thought it was. A treat so delicious that I had not even fathomed that its existence was possible.
Surely, someone is going to hell for this.
Surely, somebody must pay.
And it must be more than the 7,90 euro/kg that I paid.
It was a wurstsalat similar to the one I had a while back, only this one was made with blutwurst. So if you thought a salad of bologna and onions sounded too good to be true, well then sit down and prepare yourself the same salad, only made with blood sausage…
Here are some actual pictures of the unctuous treat…
I knew you would be happy for me, but you could not be as happy as I was while scarfing this down.
Oh yeah, here’s another picture from the front door of my new place…
Now can you see how I can afford this?
Yeah, all that is just fine but how is the view from my room?
The Doc is very picky (like I am telling you something new) and she prefers a southern exposure.
The train is not problem, we lived next to one in New Jersey at our first house. The noise never bothered her. In fact the guys that owned Harley's with straight pipes that lived next door couldn't wake her when they would leave early on Saturday mornings.
Just make sure the sheets are clean and blood sausage fills the frig and we will set a date to visit.
The views from your apartment - (why no view of the actual apartment?) look beautiful... if a more country like setting than I anticipated for you...
On the meal, I just wonder, have you had heartburn 24/7 since arriving in Germany? Have you purchased stock in GlaxoSmithKline?
I'll post a picture of the view from all bedrooms once I move in. The Doc can then choose which room she would like me to stay in.
From my recollection it won't matter much which room is mine, the two of you will stay wherever you want to anyway. Then of course you'll stagger/sleepwalk into the living room and attempt to turn the TV off.
There are no pictures of the inside because I haven't moved in yet. I didn't have my camera when I went to look at the place. I went back later that weekend and took these pics. You'll have to come over if you want to see the inside.
And no, I think I've had heartburn once or twice since being here.
Face it, Tony,
To have heart burn, you must first have a heart :-) Just kidding. The train can't be any worse than the UPS jets flying over at all hours of the night...
And I won't lie to you and tell you I'm going to cram myself into an overgrown pressurized pop can and launch myself at dizzying heights across the ocean anytime soon. Until I figure out a reasonable alternative I just may have to settle for blogs over blutwurst.
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